Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another day, another day to waste......

I hate my dad, he always wants me to shut up. I hate dads. I just want to live be myself or with my best friend that ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT ME!

Also, I got an arm warmer its hot pink with black and it is checker boarded! Finally.

One more thing my guy friend, not a boyfriend just a friend said who wouldn't want to date an emo girl with wings? I laughed hard, and I bet you are too right now.

Sorry I haven't been on I mean noone ever reads this so... I hope I can post again tomorrow.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Me again...hooray.....

It's my birthday today on August 24! I am going to wish that I have wings on my back and they are going to look like Maximum Ride's. Awesome huh? Well, I am going to clean the dusty house...err....ya, bye.

Friday, August 15, 2008


I am learning on how to control fire. Like fire bending. It does work. I can only get a spark out of my hands, my best bud Earthshine can do better, but what can I do? How are you peeps? My family have been working hard at work. Work sucks. The school sucks, okay I am back. I hope all of you had a great summer because it is almost over in a couple of days. Boo!!!!! I didn't get nothing done like not even my clothes and next week is my birthday! WOOT-wOoT!

I had a werid dream that I was underwater and people were hunting me down because I am "different". It is because I have wings and I have a spark coming out of my hands. Lol. I hope the School doesn't get me. Then I was underwater and Maximum Ride was with me-or um ya Max. She was with me and then she ran out of breath we were hiding and then I made like a hand sign and a air bubble went into her and she can now hold her breath and I did it to both of us till it was safe.

Maybe it is a sign that I can do the air bubble with the hand sign I made. My natural element is Fire, oh and I don't know my animal spirit in me. Legends say that whenever someone is born they have an animal spirit trapped in them till they die. Don't die young!!!! I am trying to figure out my animal, so I hope it is a bird or eagle, or whatever. You animal spirit doesn't have to be the same as your natural element like if mine is Fire then my animal can be a fish. So, live your life well!


Monday, August 4, 2008

Another boring day!

Another day of my life and it is dull as ever. It is like everything is black and white. Lol. I have nothing to write, maybe next time sorry guys! Comment on me! Maximum Ride and the flock rule!



Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Me again!

Have you guys ever heard of a website called ? They have stories, quizzes, poems, and lyrics. There is a great story maker called padfootmistress777. She rocks and she makes stories about Maximum Ride and the flock. She is going to make a 6th chapter to her story. James Patterson is going to make his movie on 2010. I want to be the Maximum Ride character on there. Lol, who doesn't. One problem, James Patterson doesn't even know me!!! Oh well. I can still dream can I?

Today...I have....19 days..... 20 hours.....9 minutes.....and 21 seconds.

Boo, I hate school! Ha-ha.

Well, I'll talk to you next week!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hey, sorry for not posting.

I am so sorry for not posting. I have been thinking that I am becoming really closer to getting wings and yes I want them. I would even take surgery for them on my back. I just don't want to be killed, or permanently damaged in anyway. I have a busy weekend. I am going to go to a reunion and my friend is sleeping over and then going to the beach.

I found some pictures on Google, some are anime pictures with wings and some are just Maximum Ride and her flock. Here they are and I have nothing else to say so:

Max landing

Max flying

Maximum Ride


Looking for the flock.

Up in the sky, touching the clouds


Love her wings

From, Dragana.

I would totally be a test subject to get wings on my back. Hey, what can I do? I even have dreams about me having wings.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So bored again....

It is 12:55 AM and I am still sleepy but I want to get my blog done. Today I was at the pool, and I have a pool in my backyard. It is a underground pool. Have you ever tried to go on Runescape? It is awesome and no I am not a dork. It is fun because you meet new friends and get to level up on attack, and defense and more. I got new games and they are Animal Crossing: Wild World and Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time.

I know I am boring right now but I have nothing else I want to talk about at 12:55 AM! In the day time it is better so sorry. Lol. You know when you say rofl (rolling on floor laughing) it sounds like a waffle brand. No really. Rofl, rofl, rofl.

Okay I got that out of my mind. Ever heard of meditating? Or at least self-hypnosis? It makes you relax and there is other things you can do like stop biting your nails, etc. You might be thinking right now that meditating and self-hypnosis is for crazy or mental people. It isn't. It helps you relax. It is way better than taking pills or something. Pills make your liver bad and you can get sick.

So, save a tree, wipe your butt with an owl.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Late 4th of July!

Hey, Happy Late 4th of July! Sorry I wasn't on yesterday but I was at a party all day. We were at a rich persons house. I am not that rich like them. They have a 2 or story house, long driveway, a lot of trees in the backyard, 2 or 3 Jet Skis, 2 boats, 2 or 3 tubes and they have a lot more cool things inn the house! There life is cool with money. My friend brought me there. The rich persons house is my friends' dads' boss. He is nice and so is there wife.

They have a hot tub and pool with salt water and at night they turned on the pink and purple lights.

In the afternoon, I was on the Jet Ski and was on the tube in the back riding! It was fun I did flips off of it. Of course, I was wearing a life jacket, duh! Oh ya and did I tell you that they have a private lake! It is like a beach but cooler. At least we didn't get bit by alligators.

If you want to tell me how you spent your 4th of July then leave a comment. :)

P.S: I almost forgot to tell you that they have about 16 bedrooms and a lot of bathrooms and only two people live there! Friends and family stay there for a vacation or for any other occasion.


Monday, June 30, 2008

Hey Guys....

Its me again. My friend and I are playing Wii sports. We are trying to get all strikes on the Power Shots in the Training section, which is bowling!

We watched on Youtube that a wife's friend got hit in the head with a Wii Remote and got head trauma and she holds no grudge! Amazing! Summer has a lot of its little secrets.

I am really mad, because one of my friends is accusing me of talking behind her back. Ya right, I was trying to stop it whatever. Forget about that. don't always trust your friends that much, unless you've known them your whole life. For those people that think three years is your whole life your dead wrong.

Still trying to grow my wings and one of my friends wants to grow wings also. So don't think I'm the only one.

I have been also wanting to get a deep red PSP slim. It is so beautiful and bright.

If you guys have any advice on how to play a guitar, then leve me a comment.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another day...

Another day, and it is boring. I have been watching Youtube videos. I mean what else can you do? Don't forget to subscribe to Fireheart896! Thats me and some of the videos I made are about cats and comedy. I have been at a sleepover at my friends house.

Have you ever heard of a guy called Nigahiga on Youtube? He is the most viewed videos ever! He rocks. One of them is called "How to be Ninga" He made lots of videos so check them out.

Can't believe that the Rays' stadium effort ends for now! I love the Rays and I heard from my friend that the stadium is going to be open in 2010:'+stadium+effort+ends+-+for+now

Oh ya that reminds me that the Maximum Ride Movie if Book # 1, 2, and 3 is coming out sometime in 2010 also. Long time huh?


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Growing Wings and flying.

Hello!!! You must be the first person to read my blog! Or second, or last..... I hope not the last. I am trying to set a goal for everyone to read my blog. I am going to write about one every week at at least 2 every week. I have always wanted to grow wings. I would even get them surgically attached to my back.

I would like to tell you more about myself. I love the book Maximum Ride. I love the series. Some of you might be thinking "Oh this person is just crazy" or "Good luck trying to get those wings".

Well, for your information. I am not just another person that seems crazy to you. When I read the book Maximum Ride, it opened another door. A whole new view for what I want. Ya, I know the book isn't based on a true story or anything.

I think there is more to life than just humans and mammals. Hey, if you think I am wrong then show me the proof! So far no one. James Patterson is my hero or at least the person that I look up too.

Everyday I have dreams about me saving people or spreading my wings and people being amazed. If I had wings it would be wonderful, not wonderful, I mean words can't even explain how I will feel if I got wings. I want to soar like a bird.

I asked some people about that. They said "Go on a plane" or "Go skydiving if you want to soar".
Me? I mean me? I would do that, but how about you going skydiving or going a plane. But keep me out of them. I want wings! On my back and keeping it a secret, but it would be so amazing if I wake up with real wings.

Chase your dreams, don't give up.


P.S I know it sounds corny, but it is my first blog and I really do mean it what I write.